
Dungeon fighter online steam merge account
Dungeon fighter online steam merge account

dungeon fighter online steam merge account

Please select your desired account there. Please follow the instructions on the screen to connect your account to Game Center.įrom now on, your game progress will be saved automatically via Game Center.Īfter installing and starting Nonstop Knight, you will be asked to select a Google account to which you want to connect and save your game progress. The game should now force a Game Center pop-up. If you don't have an account yet, create your own new Apple ID.

dungeon fighter online steam merge account

If you already have an account, simply log in.

dungeon fighter online steam merge account

Go to your device settings and scroll down until you see "Game Center". You can use Apple’s Game Center to save, recover and transfer your account to any iOS device: By saving your account on the Cloud, you can transfer it to a device with the same OS by reconnecting to your Game Center or Google Play account on the other device, as long as you have saved your game in the respective cloud following the guides below.

Dungeon fighter online steam merge account